The pharmaceutical sector is currently shifting from a Face to Face connect with the HCPs to a more evolved Multi-channel interactions with the HCPs. 

In such a scenario what should be the ideal frequency of such interactions?

If your existing media plan involves one face to face interaction between MR and a Doctor, how many digital or below the line interactions should be planned in addition to reach to an ideal frequency and thus, optimize ROIs? How many emails or text messages should be sent per month per brand? How many Webinars should be conducted?

In short, what should be the ideal / effective frequency at which you should connect with your customer every month – be it Physically, Digitally, Virtually, or through Below The Line (BTL) alternate media?

Media Frequency refers to the number of times your customers are exposed to your brand message. A brand message has to be exposed to a customer an adequate number of times for him or her to take notice of it.

If your media plan has a frequency less than the Effective Frequency Number, the brand message might not even be heard by the customers. If it is more, you may waste your promotional budget without any benefit. Both these situations result in lower ROIs.

Take the Brand Innerworld’s test to know the Effective Frequency Number for your brand to increase impact as well as ROI.

Answer the following question by sliding bar to choose a number from 1 to 8

Media Frequency Estimator

Brand/ Drug Factors

1 8
1 8
1 8
1 8

Market Factors

1 8
1 8
1 8
1 8

Customer(HCP) Factors

1 8
1 8
1 8
1 8
1 8
1 8

Message / Media Factors

1 8
1 8
1 8
1 8
1 8
1 8

Grid Factors**

1 8
1 8
*Are the perceptions of the customer segment matching with brand claims?
**As detailed out in the book The Perfect Pill: 10 Steps to Build a Strong Healthcare Brand. High refers to high involvement Rx decision, Low refers to low involvement Rx decision; Left refers to Rational Rx decision, Right refers to Emotional Rx decision

The effective frequency of Brand messages will be emailed to you. Do check your inbox. In case you do not receive it in 10 mins after submitting this test, check your spam folder or write to us at [email protected]
Incase you want to know more about the Effective Media Frequency Estimation, please check the video below

Researched and Adapted under the guidance of Gauri Chaudhari, co-founder of Brand Innerworld and author of The Perfect Pill: 10 Steps to Build A Strong Healthcare Brand.